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Standard Web Site Packages
Price and Specification Chart






Web Site Design Fees*
(Includes company logo and navigational buttons. Customized site design is subject to project review with separate quote/ proposal)





Additional Pages





Consultation Up to 2 hours consultation with client concerning Web marketing strategy, site design and client alterations.
Telephone, FedEx, and express charges are at client's expense.

Text is supplied by the client on CD-ROM or other agreed-upon format.

Text is limited to 200 words per Web page if not supplied on diskette. Web pages containing over 1,000 words may be subject to additional design fees, especially if they require a great deal of formatting. Please note: our services do not include editing your text. Please supply it to us in the final form you want displayed on the Web.

Custom Graphics Package Includes a custom-designed masthead incorporating your company logo, line, bullet, background Includes a custom-designed masthead incorporating your company logo, top-of-page graphic, line, bullet, text imagemap bar, background

Additional custom graphics billed at $70 per hour.

External Links
not including an e-mail link on each page




Photos or graphics




Our prices include up to an average of 1 to 3 photos or graphics per Web page. Client pays an additional fee for required photography, image research, etc. Placement of more than 3 photos per page is $35 per photo. A fee of $70 per hour is applied to digital photo alterations.
Response or Order Forms Web Forms are an additional $150


Uses cgiemail or FormMail.pl program with up to 20 fields. Additional fields $2 each. Additional forms $150 plus any additional pages needed.

Data Tables

Customized data tables are subject to project review with separate quote/proposal

Updating We pro-rate by the hour at $70.00 an hour with a 15 minute minimum.

* Please Note: Prices above do not include monthly hosting fees with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). SF BAY BUSINESS can host your site for a competitive fee. Please ask for a quote. Also see Domain Name Registration under Additional Options.

Additional Options

Additional Forms $150 each (up to 20 fields), in addition to charges for any additional pages needed.
Thumbnail /Large Photo Pairs A "clickable" thumbnail photo loads a larger screen-size photo. $35 per pair if larger photo is placed on a Web page. $25 per pair if larger photo is not on a Web page.
Domain Name Registration Costs for registering your domain name depends on your Internet Service Provider. We have a special arrangement with SF Bay Business to register your domain for $25.00 and host your site for $20.00 per month. Your connection can then be with any local ISP.